Accepting Orders Starting End Of July

Delivery End Of August

A primary goal of ours is to have a larger and more diverse group of people doing Pilates, and owning Apparatus. Making the Apparatus more affordable, easier to ship, and more flexible are the primary ways of fulfilling this goal. The manufacturing process is at the root of this. All of our designs are dictated by Classical measurements and muscle memory, but at the same time are governed by being the most efficient and cost effective process for manufacturing.
For one, this means limiting color choices and materials.
There might be some resistance to the idea of shipping everything broken down, but I will assure you we will have instructions, videos, and documentation to guide you through the process, not to mention we have made every effort to simplify the assembly, the only tool needed is an allen wrench (which is included). With the money you save on shipping you can probably hire someone to assemble it if you choose, but what would the fun be in that?😊